Internet Distress

Today everywhere you go, people will have a cell phone and other devices that can access the internet. Our cell phones do us much good in out day to day lives, for example communication is much easier today when 200 years ago when people would write letters. Though these pros come with their cons. People using the power of the cell phone can try to become internet famous, but today coming internet famous sometimes means uploading or sharing some questionable things.

Inside Edition reports that cops were making an arrest when a group of young men and women started dousing them with water, one individual even threw a bucket at the cops head. The worst part about this all, someone who was on the cops side was video recording on her phone instead of helping these officers. These things happen every single day.

I personally have an experience with someone using their phone for recording someone to embarrass them online. A eighth grader in Causey Middle School was being harassed by a group of students after a game of “Knock-Out” . A student recorded the entire event take place and posted it on popular social networking site “Instagram”. Though the video since has been removed from the site.

Bystanders normally do not step in due to fear of being targeted and bullied as well. In my case, nobody stepped in to help the student. This is concerning because we were in gym class with at least one hundred students in the same gym. Today the universal accessibility to cellular phones seems to be hindering positive outcomes in distressful or even violent situations as people see the need to record the event take place instead of jumping in to help the person in need.

Though this does mark a new low, steps can be taken to prevent people from recording these situations. First social networking sites should remove and ban people who upload footage of abuse, fights, and people in near-death situations. Instead of giving people the fame that they want, we should stop and put an end to these sick people.

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